Kush News

Ok so.....about a week ago 1 nation agreed to a car show with ,....lol...ya ready....5 Star Generals...lol. yeah i know but hear me out.So anyway they agreed to have it at 9 pm sunday..one week away from the agreement date. Alicia keys..a.k.a shotty and prime agreed all was set. Now the stakes...loser gives up their club name. So of course i had to be a witness to this. Now a week goes by and busin  and fillmoe enter a room with some 5 star and kush members claiming its in the bag, all ready set to go...you all know how delerious they are. Ok so anyhow its all set everyone agrees...so now sundays here...8:30 comes , no word from 1no, 9...nothing...ten...still no word from 1no. Finally they stroll in...but now they dont like the judges...hmmmm...am i the only one who saw this comin...lolso now 1no has some 5Star on avoid and weall know what that means....no way cant they stay in the same room ...but they are both in the show..so how do they solve it. They cant...so now they still have a mix up of who 1no will allow to be judges...they want bbc and 1no as judges....yes thats right its not a typo.....no kush no other clubs or members are allowed to witness or judge the show.So after a while things are still in disarray, then 1no pops into random rooms in pairwith the quote...we took 5 star in their bios....claiming 5 star lost by forfeit. does that sound right to any of you...? Now for the record this is WorseFuture , so i dont really think any of you reading this will question what it is im writing. But these are the facts as i myself witnessed. Please post comments or send any kush member ,5 star member ...or hey even send a pleasent ...yeah right ,to your local 1no member you me and all other real people know who has mcla on lock with the vinyls...but hey i guess when u got nothin ,,you gotta lie bout somethin ta feel better right. Peace from the east!

                                                  K.U.S.H website begins construction May 19

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KUSH Kustoms is now on Playstation 3...So for all you vinylists on PS3...prospect with the best around. Hit up WorseFuture on PS3 or Kush email

Its been brought to my attention that at least one person is coming to our site to literally copy our cars, not get ideas from them but actually  attempting to replicate them.For one, not all of us will think thats ok..especially when you dont know any of us. Thats pretty messed up, and two try asking. Even then..just find your own concept to do. We spend alot of time on our rides so they are original. I would really hate to have to make people register just to see our pictures cause of one stupid guy who doesnt have a mind of his own, we at kush have a policy...NO CRUMB SNATCHING!!!!!  Some of us might not want our cars butchered. So if you  agree...by all means leave a comment.                  WorseFuture

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